Friday, November 16, 2007


Wildfires stoke the carbon load.

Ecoshock Show 071116 (1 hr)

Interview: Dr. Tom Gower, saying fires in N. Canada make positive feedback; speech by Temperate Rainforest activist Pas Rasumussen - why she is now a climate activist as well. Echoes by Adrien Rheimer of the Wilderness Committee.

New research on the Rockies burning by Lara Kueppers; plus were California fires climate change? And a bit of George Monbiot.

Production Notes: Music bed for Stn IDs from 29:08-30:10, other insert spots at 14:17 & 45:03. Music "Mother Earth" by Shane Philip (Cdn content); "Beds Are Burning" Midnight Oil; "Endless Summer" (Ghostly Penguin Display). Cut up to 2 min from last song if more time needed.

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