Thursday, June 18, 2009


The star of today's Radio Ecoshock Show is the American climate.

We'll start with the most important Press Conference of 2009: the release of the multi-agency report "Global Climate Change Impacts In the United States". It's the list of violent storm warming, heat wave predictions, cities and parts of whole states either going under-water, or roasting without water. Everyone will know the climate is badly out of balance.

Welcome to our special coverage of new report "Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States" from the White House briefing. After years of denial, terrible changes already happening in U.S.

This one hour version of Radio Ecoshock contains:

a) clip from Dr. Jane Lubchenco (see bio notes below)

(b) full presentation of Dr. Thomas Karl (outlining terrible impacts for the U.S.)

(c) analysis interview with Joe Romm, from

(d) full presentation by Dr. Jerry Melillo (more terrible impacts)

Plus a special interview with Dr. Anthony Barnosky on his new book "Heatstroke, Nature in an Age of Global Warming"

This is the most important report on climate change ever released by the American government. The picture is bleak. Many Southern U.S. cities will become hot like Baghdad during the summer. Crops will burn out.

On the coasts, new flooding estimates show more than 3 feet of sea level rise before 2100 - enough to flood New York subways, rail-lines, and much more. That doesn't count surges from storms expected to be much worse.

Please listen to this compelling audio.

The book "Heatstroke" is also quite important. Antony Barnosky is a field researcher and curator at University California Berkeley. He realized climate change was coming in the early 1980's - and set out to document how Nature (especially small mammals) responded to previous climate shifts. He fears mass extinctions for many reasons, especially since there may never have been a warming starting in an already warm period, and likely never one so fast (one century) as we are inflicting on the Earth. Solid science from 30 years of research shows big problems for all the creatures of the Earth, as we continue to pollute the atmosphere.

Radio Ecoshock 090619 1 hour CD Quality 56 MB or Lo-Fi 14 MB

Production Notes:
Presentation recorded from official release of the report at the White House, April 16th, 2009.

Here are quick bio notes of speakers:

Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans & Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator
Dr. Thomas Karl, Director of the National Climatic Data Center, lead for NOAA’s climate services, and a
lead author of the report
Dr. Jerry Melillo, Director of the Ecosystems Center at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole,
Mass., and a lead author of the report

There is no copyright music. It is OK to take clips out for your own use in non-profit radio, to blog or pass on to friends.

Those with a shorter public affair program can use this 24 minute version, if you remove the Green 960 Station ID at 14:03

U.S. government Press Conference Video and slides here.

Get report copy here.

Get the word out there!

Alex Smith
Radio Ecoshock

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